Sunday, January 17, 2010


My big goal for this month is to finish projects. For the last 3 days I have been really focusing on sewing. I have finished a crib skirt; made a nightgown for my daughter; made pajamas for my older son; made two placemats of a cute snowflake pattern on dark blue fabric, and have started cutting out squares to make fabric blocks. I have lots more sewing projects to do such as making a few skirts for my daughter; making a crib bumper and quilt to match the crib skirt; making quilts out of old jeans; and finishing projects that were started and not finished. I don't know if I'll get them ALL done this month but I'm going to do as many as possible.

I'm also working on the Alaska scrapbook. That is my one scrapbook goal for January.

I have an organizing project to do too..which is to get all the papers filed and the filing cabinet cleaned out. This will help with getting things ready for doing taxes.

1 comment:

*ALLYSSA* said...

Whoa! That sounds like A LOT of work! I'm sure you can get them all done in no time, you are good at it. I'd go crazy when I have too many things to do at the same time. I'd love to see some pics of your work! :)