Thursday, May 28, 2009

feeling a little scattered

I've been feeling a little scattered lately. There's so much to do and not a whole lot of time to do it. Alex wakes up only once or twice a night, and after feeding goes right back to sleep, so I shouldn't feel as sleep-deprived as I do. Some nights I can't get back to sleep. Which then throws me off for the rest of the day.

I feel stalled on so many things. I have started and not finished so many sewing projects. Same thing with yard projects. And we are going to Alaska in a week and I have hardly started anything as far as packing goes.

I feel like I spend too much of my time juggling spinning plates--staying on top of really basic household stuff like dishes, laundry, keeping the house picked up and meals. I feel like I spend all day doing basics and don't really get to do the "fun" stuff like sewing, scrapbooking, gardening, planning summer school, etc.

I think I need a new plan of attack. I'll think about this and post my thoughts tomorrow.

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